

Many biking tours groups come through Rangeley and Oquossoc enjoying the challenge of hills, the scenic views, and paved roads.


There are trails available at the Rangeley Lakes Trail Center.


The Rangeley Area offers mountain biking with great views. Trails offer single and double track riding, gravel roads, logging roads, and wilderness riding.

The Railroad Bike Loop Trail is a 12-mile trail with a mixture of terrain. It starts on Depot Street near the center of Rangeley Village.

The Rangeley Lakes Trail Center has seven miles of mountain biking trails and is located at 524 Saddleback Mountain Rd.

East Kennebago Mountain is a three-mile hiking/biking trail. To find the trail, go 10 miles east of Rangeley on Route 16. Turn left onto a gravel road, cross the bridge and then take a right. Go left at the fork and then take a second right (5.3 miles from the bridge). The trail begins at the East Kennebago snowmobile sign.

Spencer Pond Trail is an easy two-mile ride on an old gravel road. It is located 12.7 mile south of Oquossoc off of Route 17 on the left.

The area also has an abundance of woods roads that provide great mountain biking.