Snowy Holiday In Rangeley

November 26, 2012

The snow has begun to fall in Rangeley, and in preparation we cut a short trail from behind the camp, through the woods, to the snowmobile trail. Now we can hop on a snowmobile from the door of camp and drive directly to the extensive trail system. It’s also a great snowshoeing and skiing trail to get to Moose Pond and the Round Top Mountain Trail. Quimby Pond is not frozen enough to ice skate on yet, but Moose Pond just behind the camp is!

Everything looks white and clean now. The snow makes the bare trees look decorated and festive again. It also means I can track the animals around the camp.The birds are abundant! The white-throated sparrows love a mineral in the driveway and have been congregating there to feed all fall. They’ve just begun to leave the driveway now with the cold weather. The deer prints run crisscross all over the backwoods, and I have seen coyote prints and rabbit prints as well.


The mountains don’t have enough snow to ski or sled on yet, but the Thanksgiving holiday still felt like winter with a dusting of snow on Saturday. The wood stove was cranking, and the camp was cozy. Eleven of us fit around a long table on the porch and had dinner in the late afternoon sun with the wood stove crackling and keeping us warm.



Snow, Snow,Snow!


Fall Hunting In Rangeley