Fall Hunting In Rangeley

October 17, 2012

The leaves have turned brilliant orange, red and yellow, and most of them have fallen  to the ground; the air is crisp and cool and smells of apples and distant snow; it is the perfect weather for hiking in the woods, and many hunters are doing just that.  Moose hunting in Maine has just ended, and bird season is open for a few more weeks. A friend came up for a week to bird hunt and he harvested his limit of grouse and woodcock each day. He said the best hunting is right behind Red Quill! The bird cover is perfect because it was logged years back and is now at the stage where it is the perfect bird habitat. Come rent it for the week and see for yourself!

Deer season is also just around the corner. I spooked two big doe as I was raking leaves out of the yard last weekend! I was hauling the wheelbarrow into the woods and as I dumped the load of leaves into my compost pile they bound away, only a few yards away from me. I can hardly keep them from eating all the buds off the young trees. Book your stay for hunting season now!



Snowy Holiday In Rangeley


Renovating Red Quill Camp